Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a label often given to people who worry excessively about many different things. They worry both to the point of making themselves significantly distressed and to the point where others start to get exasperated because they really...
How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself and Getting in Your Own Way
Many people struggle with following through on their plans, commitments, or stated desires. Sometimes it is as if there is another voice or person inside of us that gets in our way. This part of us might tell us to postpone an important task until tomorrow, or might...
Best Ways to Deal with Grief and Loss
When it comes to dealing with grief there is no one best way. Everybody deals with the pain of loss differently. In general, however, it is best not to fight or ignore the pain you are feeling, but to let the grieving process run its course. Why Do We Grieve? The...
Understanding Maladaptive Grief: Why Grieving Can Turn to Depression, Isolation, or Overwhelm
While there is generally not one right way to grieve, there ARE ways that grieving can go wrong. Instead of letting the grieving process run its natural course, people sometimes try to run away from the pain, and it is in these cases that grief can turn into...
4 Unmet Needs that Can Cause Psychological Issues when We Grow Up
Understanding Your Psychological Issues Better by Understanding Your Past: As a psychologist, I am often surprised by how many of my clients come to therapy believing that what ails them is simply a matter of a personal defect or an inherent weakness in their own...
The Art of Flirting: Key Lessons from My Dissertation on Flirting
Believe it or not, I wrote my doctoral dissertation on flirting. I wanted to find out based on first hand accounts, what mindset you get into when you flirt. I wanted to live the experience vicariously through what other people told me about a time when they...
Important Lessons Your Anger Can Teach You
Anger is not just a problem to get rid of, but a message to you about who you are and what is important to you. Oftentimes, however, this important fact gets ignored because we live in a society in which anger is often considered inappropriate and uncivil. For...
4 Signs Your Marriage is Headed for Divorce
Couples therapist John Gottman has identified 4 behaviors that are so destructive to relationships that they will almost certainly lead a married couple to divorce. Due to their ominous nature, he calls them the “4 horsemen of the apocalypse” and because of their...
How to Restore Love in Your Relationship
Romantic relationships tend to run a quite predictable course. Initially your partner can do nothing wrong. You are wearing rose-colored glasses. But over time, differences become annoyances and the novelty of your relationship wears off. Most couples hit an impasse...
5 Simple Ways to Improve Intimacy in Your Marriage
Do you sometimes feel you have very little in common with your partner or spouse? Do you often feel lonely in your relationship or marriage? Do you silently ask yourself if you and your partner are slowly growing apart? If so, you are not alone. Many couples struggle...
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Here you can find articles that explore the truth about the human condition as it gets revealed in and through psychotherapy
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How to Deal with Heartache and Heartbreak
No feeling is so painful as the pain of the human heart... One client of mine, when asked what it...
How Do I Know if I Have a Personality Disorder?
We all have personalities, but what does it mean to have a personality “disorder”? What Do We Mean...
How Therapy Creates Change
What happens in good therapy is hard to explain to someone who has not yet experienced it. Why is...
What You Can Do to Manage Your Anger
Anger is an uncomfortable emotion for most people. We often wonder what to do with it when we feel...
Do You Often Feel Guilty about Your Own Needs?
One frequent problem people present with in therapy is: not knowing how to care for themselves...