The concept of Borderline Personality Disorder is often understood as being synonymous with an impossible individual who acts out in the most ostentatious ways. The concept conjures up images of suicidal threats and acts, as well as intense anger and aggression....
Things We Can Learn from Happy Couples
It’s all supposed to be very rosy: Two people meet, fall in love, and live happily ever after. That’s what the fairy tale states... And yet underneath the hood of every romantic relationship, we find one thing that all relationships have in common: they are all a lot...
The Surprising Reason Why Arguing Might Help Your Relationship
Why Couples May Not Argue Enough... At first glance it might seem that one of the major reasons couples decide to pursue couples counseling is that they fight too much. Ironically, however, the fights couples engage in are often the result of a determination by both...
Psychotherapy: Does Insight Cure?
Over the past 100 years, therapists have asked themselves the question: what really produces change in people? In this connection, the role "insight" plays in helping us resolve our issues has often been a point of contention... So does insight really cure? Insight in...
The Power of Vulnerability in Your Relationship
What is it that makes some couples have more successful and rewarding relationships and others teeter on the brink of relationship disaster? The Secret of Successful Relationships: If you ask me, the secret to a successful relationship or marriage lies in the capacity...
Number 1 Reason Couples Fight (and What to Do About It)
Even though it might seem that couples argue about a myriad of different issues, when we look a little deeper, we often find that most arguments have one thing in common: They are really about how we feel about each other, and more specifically, how loved or how...
Better Therapy for Social Anxiety
What Many People Don’t Know about Social Anxiety
Social Anxiety, like so many other “anxiety disorders”, is not really about anxiety. If we look a little deeper there is almost always something else at stake... Anxiety as Substitute Emotion Quite frequently, anxiety acts as a substitute emotion that takes the place...
How to Overcome Trauma and Make Peace with Your Past
One of single biggest issues that stops people from living the life they want is their inability to let go of negative memories from their past. Most often when people experience hurtful events in their life they tend to prefer to suppress their memories, or to simply...
Why People Often Choose Misery over Change
Human beings are constantly faced with making the choice between two paths: One path that keeps them in the safe and comfortable straits of what they know, and another that entices with a different way of being, less restricted and more promising. Which way should I...
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Here you can find articles that explore the truth about the human condition as it gets revealed in and through psychotherapy
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